Wednesday, May 04, 2005

This Is A "Pay-To-Play" Blog

I understand that there are actually people who read this blog. I know because I have gotten e-mails etc. from people wondering why I have not written much recently. I haven't written much becuase it feels like I am talking to myself. I don't need to do that, though. I already know what I think long before I sit down to write about it. In short, if you want me to keep writing, you have to leave "tracks" (in the way of comments). So, if you actually are interested in reading my meanderings, get off your duff and SAY something even if you do it "anonomously" and don't sign your name. Otherwise, I'm gonna just take my keyboard and go home! Nananananaa!

1 comment:

Bill said...

fatmon --

Sorry to mislead you. That post was really a joke aimed at getting people who read this blog to actually comment. This is not a "pay-to-play" blog in the sense you are using the phrase. (See the description on the mastheadif you want to know what it is about). Hope you find what you're looking for becuase I really have nothing to offer you on the real "pay-to-play issue.