Friday, October 28, 2005

Eating Crow To Krauthammer

A few days ago, I made fun of Charles Krauthammer's suggestion that the attorney client privilege issue would provide Bush with a "happy ending" to the Miers' nomination way out of the Miers nomination debacle. It remains to be seen whether the ending is all that "happy", but Bush took Krauthammer's advice, lame as it was:
In announcing the decision, Miers and Bush cited their concern with requests from members of the Senate Judiciary Committee for documents dealing with her work as White House counsel -- papers that the administration has withheld as privileged. Senators sought documents that might illuminate her legal views.

"Protection of the prerogatives of the executive branch and continued pursuit of my nomination are in tension," Miers said in a withdrawal letter she hand-delivered to Bush yesterday. "I have decided that my confirmation should yield."
From cronyism to hypocritical craveness. Bush has now abandoned the only thing I actually respected him for: determination. I can hardly wait to see who he appoints next.

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