Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Vatican Position on Gays

Ellen Goodman had a column today that did a lot to help me crystallize my own queasiness about the Vatican's recent ruling on gays in the priesthood.

She starts off recognizing that most peoples' feelings about gays in general and gay civil rights in particular depend on whether they believe homosexulaity is a choice or a trait. Those who believe it is a trait -- something that is intrinsic to who they are -- are generally tolerant of gays and supportive of their civil rights claims. Those who believe homosexuality is a choice are generally intolerant of gays and opposed ot civil rights claims in particular.

Goodman then goes on to point out that the Vatican has turned this common sensical division on it's head, saying that those who are truly gay cannot be priests regardless of how they act while those who have simply dabbled in it are OK.


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