Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays/Joyful Soltice

It's 2:20 am Christmas morning. The hurly burly of Christmas Eve is over. The children (and the significant other) are all wrapped snugly in their beds with visions of who knows waht dancing in their heads. (Fortuantely they no longer get up at 6 am!) And Mom in her nightgown and I still in my church clothes (sans tie and with scotch however) are on the verge of settling down for a short winter's nap. As soon as Ma gets done stuffing stockings that is.

And, while I watch that little ritual, I just had the urge to wish all of you a very Merry Chirstmas and a great new year. There was a lot about 2005 that could have been better. But, there was a lot more that could have been much worse. All in all, I'm feeling pretty lucky tonight. Hope all of you are as well.



Anonymous said...

And a merry Christmas and happy new year to you.

I hope the scotch was smooth, the nightgown from Victoria's secret and that you were as lucky as you felt.

Hope to see you in NYC this weekend.


Bill said...

Jesse --

Well, the nightgown was flannel and I was "too pooped to play" anyway. But I felt lucky nonethless.

Best to you and yours as well.


Anonymous said...

A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to both, and all, of you.

I'm sorry we didn't get to connect with you guys this holiday, but there will be a big party and take-2-wedding when I get back. We better see both of you there. (Actual date TBD, possibly by congress.)

Safe travels and smooth scotch to all.
