Friday, May 19, 2006

Billy Bob's Bulletins -- May 19, 2006

This a little late, but . . .

As Death Stalks Iraq, Middle-Class Exodus Begins (NYT)

Iraqi Leader Acts To Defuse Shiite Rivalry in Basra (WaPo)

Afghanistan Rocked As 105 Die in Violence [Note: the good news here is that the Afghan national police apparently did most of the fighting and were largely succesful in repelling the Taliban attacks, albeit with some western help].

U.S. Moves to Weaken Iran (LAT)

Iran's Secrecy Widens Gap in Nuclear Intelligence (NYT)

The Weapon [Oil]Iran May Not Want to Use WaPo)

Oh, and a propos of this -- FBI Searches Mich. Land for Clues on Hoffa, there is this:

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