Thursday, July 27, 2006

O Israel

I got an e-mail on the mess in Lebanon from ole Yuval, the self-styled "Truth Provider." It included the following paragraph:
Please support the IDF. Allow it to complete the task. Only full victory will do. For the sake of us all and our future generations, do not allow peacenicks and uppeasers [sic] to put obstacles on our road to full victory.
As if "full victory" were achieveable by force of arms. This war, like every one that has prededed it since 1967 will end in exactly the same way: by making absolutely no difference. Except of course to all the people killed or maimed in the process.

I am so frustrated by this whole situation I am simply beside myself. The situation between the Arabs and Israel is the greatest threat to American security in the world today. Yet, despite the lessons of nearly 40 years, no one seems to be able to see that bombs and bullets change nothing for the better. Where is our Nelson Mandela?


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