Monday, April 17, 2006

Lest We Forget

Reminded of the horrors of 9/11 by the 911 tapes played in the Moussaoui trial, Bob Herbert vents:
As I listened to the victims pleading desperately for help as the smoke and flames closed in on them, the same thought came repeatedly to mind:

We were attacked by Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda. What are we doing in Iraq?
. . . .

It is time for the American people to wise up. From the very beginning, the so-called war on terror was viewed by the Bush crowd as a magical smoke screen, a political gift from the gods that could be endlessly manipulated to justify all kinds of policies and behavior — including the senseless war in Iraq — that otherwise would never have been tolerated by the American people.
. . . .

The war has been a disaster. At the same time, the administration's unscrupulous exploitation of fear and patriotism has opened the door to such gruesome and morally indefensible activities as torture, warrantless spying on Americans and the wholesale incarceration of foreigners — perhaps for life — who have no real chance to confront their accusers or answer the charges against them.

All of this should be kept in mind as we consider the fact that the administration that once had its hostile eye on Iraq now has it trained like a laser on Iran.


Anonymous said...

Oh so true.

And the view, my view, is exactly the same, even as I sit here in Iraq.

Finally made it here, head overflowing with thoughts of "why" and "what now?"

I'm focussed on what I'm here to do, but I very much look forward to being back in touch with you, Bill, and I hope you'll keep me up-to-date on all that's happening. Ironically, Iraq is the hardest place to get good information on what's going on in Iraq.

Hope all is well. Happy belated Easter. Over the next few weeks I'll gradually get back to harrassing you on a regular basis.

(to be deleted - to help preserve my ability to comment freely here, please don't include anything beyond my first name or any specifics of my unit including designators, where we're located, our home state, etc. Gotta hide from Big Brother and his Google sniffer! Thanks)

Bill said...

billy bob:

So good to hear from you, man. I am confused about the last paragraph, though. Be aware that I cannot edit your comments. I can delete them entirely, but I can't change them. So, if you intended for me to delete all or part of this, let me know. And that applies to any other comments you make. I will post nothing here about you, but need some ground rules about what you want me to do with the stuff you post.

Also, if you are concerned, you can start posting anonymously.

Good luck to you.