Monday, April 17, 2006 [Tax Day]

Iraqi Shiite Factions Struggle to Solve Political Impasse (NYT)
Despair Deepens as Iraqis Appear No Closer to Deal (LAT)
Outrage at Funeral Protests Pushes Lawmakers to Act (NYT)
General Defends Rumsfeld, With a Caveat (NYT)
The General's War (WSJ)
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Sunni District in Baghdad Is Sealed Off (NYT)
Rumsfeld Says Calls for Ouster 'Will Pass' (NYT)
Books of the Times: A General Reports on the Dangers of Global Instability (NYT)
Battle Rages in Baghdad Neighborhood (LAT)
Wednesday, April 19, 2006

A Bright Career Unravels in Iraq (LAT)
Iraq's Kurds Aim for Own Oil Ministry (LAT)
At Heart of Iraqi Impasse, a Family Feud (WaPo)
Mission of Frustration in Afghan Villages (WaPo)
Mystery Hangs Over Baghdad Battle (WaPo)
Parsing the Polls: Iraq, Vietnam and Public Opinion (WaPo)
Thursday, April 20, 2006

Rove's Role Reduced, McClellan Resigns in White House Shakeup
Iraqi Premier Allows Vote That Could End Deadlock (NYT)
Unforeseen Spending on Materiel Pumps Up Iraq War Bill (WaPo)
Bush Says Failure in Iraq 'Not an Option' (ABC)
Learn to bend, Mr. Bush. You won't break (WSJ)
Bill -
Only have a minute. Just got back from a long day out in the desert, but I have to thank you for the baskets! I love it.
I'll stop back soon when I have more time.
Hope all is well! Getting by here.
The Karl Rove lamp may be one of my alltime favorite cartoons.
Billy Bob... We've never met, I'm a colleague of Bill's. Please stay safe out there.
-- Gary Scoggin
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