Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Not that this is "news" to anyone paying attention, but . . .

Here (courtesy of Jose) is the latest from the CIA on Iraq:

"Report: CIA paints bleak Iraq picture"

Why is it that I think THIS intelligence assessment is probably a lot better than the pre-war assesments on WMDs? If only it were otherwise.

Anyone got any thoughts on how we are ever going to get out of this mess?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I gave up nearly all hope of the Administration ever seeing reason with regard to Iraq when I saw the video of President Bush awarding the Medal of Freedom to George Tenet, Tommy Franks and Paul Bremmer a couple of days ago. We've gone past the point of ridiculous and WAY into the surreal -- let's turn those who committed colossal blunders into heroes! Of course that will make everything OK again! Do you suppose Bush and his wacky neocons purposefully took ideas from Kafka, or did they manage to think of this all on their own?

Of course, Bush’s comment “…there’s still a lot of queens in George Tenet…” provided some much needed comic relief. (Wait a minute…did he me mean the Borough of Queens? Nah – it’s too good the other way.)

RG on the Left Coast