Thursday, December 30, 2004

Butting Heads With "True Belivers"

I should have known better. Yuval called in the cavalry and the following is one of the results:
How dare you evoke Hitler as a metaphor or an analogy of Yuval. the only reason that I can think of for you to do that is your lack of any other reasonable arguments.

However, in your ignorant self serving justification of the Palestinians, you are helping to bring disaster upon all of our heads. Stop listening to yourself if you can, and listen to them. In Arabic. [!] Palestinians who want a better life have already left the PA. They were a little better educated with a little more money. Those who remain have been brainwashed in a culture that worships death and hate. When children are asked: "Given a choice between democracy freedom and peace, and Shahada ( martyrdom via suicide/terror) what would you choose?" The girls look at the questioner as if he had gone mad and answer "Shahada". Jews are likened in Friday sermons to monkeys and pigs who should be killed. Jews are demonized to Palestinian children from the time they are babies. Young children are taught conflict management on one level only: someone cuts down your tree, run into the house, get your assault rifle and committ a massacre.

When you realize that all of your arguments are the joke on you, and the Palestinians are laughing because they have managed to hide their agenda from you, maybe we will have a chance.

In the meantime, Please remove me from the list of people to whom you expose your venom. Yuval sent me a copy of your correspondance: that is his right . He is my friend. You however are a venemous self satisfied example of a person in whom a little knowledge does a great deal of damage.

And she calls me venomous?!

I have learned - or actually re-learned - one thing from all of this: There is really no point to even trying to reason with these people. They need, simply, to be ignored.

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