Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Lou Dobbs: Fox News Wannabe

Is anyone as sick of Lou Dobbs as I am? His nightly harangue on "Broken Borders" is about as deomogagic campaign as I have ever witnessed outside of the Fox News' jihad against the supposed "War on Christmas." Here's just the latest example:

CNN posed the following question online and then dutifully reported (as if it were news) that over 90% of respodents answered "Yes":
Do you believe that the illegal employers of the 11 million to 20 million illegal aliens in the United States also should be granted amnesty?
CNN has caught the "Fox News" disease generally, but Lou Dobbs is damn near Bill O'Reilly's equal at taking complex, nuanced issues, distroring them nearly out of recognition and then fanning public opposition to their pet peeves. The best thing that could happen to America would be to outlaw TV news altogether. It is a far worse threat to American civics than the drivel shown in "regular progamming." At least the regular programming does not expicily pretend to be news.

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