Monday, January 24, 2005

What Is Liberalism?

The American Prospect Online has asked readers to provide what they call "an elevator pitch" for liberalism: i.e short, succinct statement (30 words or less) that captures what "liberals" stand for. It is a question that bears considerable thought these days.

Here's their update on the progress so far, with some links to the responses that have already been vetted and posted. They are worth browsing through. My favorite so far is:
"I am my brother's/sister's keeper but not his/her judge. --C.M. "
I especially like the symmetry of the converse as a statement of the non-liberal view:
"I am my brother's judge but not his keeper"
I just wish we could get away from the "brother/sister" "his/her" nonsense. But isn't that part of the problem with making the succinct case for liberalism: too much angst over too many issues?


Anonymous said...

Haha...yeah dad i get so annoyed by those politically over correct. But it seems that these days and maybe actually always it is the conservatives you are finding the absolute stupidest, most ludracris things to argue about. SPONGEBOB "GAY" PANTS???????????

Bill said...

I've been trying to figure out what to write about the Sponge Bob "thing". But it is so bizarre as to be almost beyond comment.