Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Lots of Good News

I have had very little time to blog in the last couple weeks. Too bad too, becuase there is a lot of interesting stuff going on:

Countering the pro-Syrian demonstrations staged by Hezbollah last week, yesterday a Huge Demonstration in Lebanon Demands End to Syrian Control.

The Israelis continue to demonstrate that they are serious about making peace. First, theIsraeli Cabinet Pledges to Raze Some Outposts in West Bank in addition to those in Gaza and then announces that it will Turn Over Control of 2 West Bank Towns to Palestinians. My firend Yuval is just beside himself. But to me it's all to the good.

A California Judge Voids Ban on Gay Marriage. Do you realize that this issue has now been decided by three state courts and all three have held that such a ban is unconstitutional. The holy homophobes must going nuts. Now all we have to do is to (a) get the California Supreme Court and the New York Court of Appeals to affirm and (b) find some way to attack the state constitutional amendments passed last November. Actually, it's not going to be that easy. This is going to be a long bitter fight.

And then, most personally gratifying of all, Bernie Ebbers' "I know nothing" defense fails: Ex-Chief of WorldCom Convicted of Fraud Charges. Small comfort for the drubbing I took on Worldcom stock, but better than nothing.

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